Ї мї$$ нїм... Ї мї$$ нїм... Ї мї$$ нїм... Ї мї$$ нїм... Ї мї$$ нїм... Ї мї$$ нїм... Ї мї$$ нїм... Ї мї$$ нїм... Ї мї$$ нїм... Ї мї$$ нїм... Ї мї$$ нїм... Ї мї$$ нїм... Ї мї$$ нїм... Ї мї$$ нїм... Ї мї$$ нїм... Ї мї$$ нїм...
Їf ойlу Ьу dоїйg тнї$ му fёёlїйg шоцld вёcомё Ьєттёґ, Ї мїgнт шґїтё тнї$ ґёpёaтєdlу. 4 daу$ то gо Ьёfоґє $cнооl Ьяёaк. Їт’$ $цcн a lойg pёґїоd оf тїмё то нaйg aяоцйd.
Ї caй нaяdlу cоитяоl тнї$ fєёlїиg. $омєтїмё$ Ї gєт lо$т їи тноцgнт оf тнї$. Hцн! Їт’$ $о нaґd то cоитяоl тнї$ ёмотїои. Ї шaит то $єє нїм facє то facё. Pнойё call aйd $M$ щоцld йєvєя Ьє ёиоцgн cоz тнє мояє Ї gёт тнё моґё Ї шaит.
" Ї мї$$ уоц щнєй $омєтнїйg ґєallу gооd нappёи$, вёcaц$ё уоц'яє тнє оиє Ї шaйт то $нaяё їт шїтн. Ї мї$$ уоц шнёй $омєтнїйg ї$ тґоцвlїиg мє, Ьєcaц$ё уоц'ґє тнё оиlу ойё щно цйdєґ$тaйd$ мє $о щєll. Ї мї$$ уоц щнёи Ї laцgн aйd cґу, Ьєcaц$ё Ї кйош тнaт уоц'яё тнє оиє шно мaкє$ му laцgнтєя gяощ aиd му тєaя$ dї$appєaя. Ї мї$$ уоц all тнё тїмє, Ьцт Ї мї$$ уоц тнё мо$т щнёи Ї lїё aщaкё aт йїgнт aиd тнїйк оf all тнё щоиdєґfцl тїмє$ шё $pёйт щїтн єacн отнёя fоя тно$є щёяё $омё оf тнє Ьё$т мёмоґaвlё тїмё$ оf му lїfё."
Ї мї$$ му Ї$ $о мцcн~
Monday, March 7, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
$їcк оf вёїиg $їcк
Tнї$ fєvєґ шой’т lёavё мё. Шну?! Hєadacнє, cоцgн, aйd flц cомё тоgєтнєя a$ оиє, тнї$ ї$ cґazу. Ї тноцgнт З мї$єяaЬlє daу$ шa$ ёйоцgн то тоґтцґє мє cяцєllу. Bцт їт щa$й’т. Ї’м $о шєaк йош aйd иєєd то тaкё мєdїcїйє ёvёґу $їиglё daу! Gо$н, їт’$ йёvёґ нappёй Ьєfояё. Mу Ьоdу нa$ вёёй cоитaмїйaтєd ву dґцg$ alтноцgн їт’$ ойlу Paяacєтaмоl aйd Єжpєcтоґaит.
Ї тоок a gооd caґє оf му$єlf ёacн aиd єvєяу $їиglє daу. Ї кйощ му lїмїт aйd Ї шои’т gо Ьёуоиd їт. Їf тнї$ ї$ оpтїойal, Ї щоцld pяєfєґ то Ьє $їcк aт му номєтошй. Bёїйg нёяє, $тїll Ї caй cой$їdєґ Ьёїиg їи $тяaйgё placё. Tнє мояє Ї fєєl lїкє gоїйg номё. Hомё$їcк! Їт’$ нaяd то cойтяоl тнє$ё тєaя$ fяом flощїиg dощи. Ї$ тнї$ a pґїcё оf ёжpёяїёиcє тнєу alщaу$ тalк aвоцт?
Ї’м тоцgн. Ї киош Ї aм. Їй тнє єaяlу daу$ Ї шa$ тґуїйg то Ьє їй dёйїal. Fґом му єжpёяїёйcё$, тнї$ lїйё оf aттacк ї$ яёallу щоґк$. Pяєтёйd тнaт Ї’м окaу aйd єvёґутнїйg щїll Ьє jц$т fїйє. Ї dои’т ґєallу киощ шнaт’$ шґойg Ьцт тнї$ тёcниїqцё шой’т щояк aт тнї$ момёит. $о тнё $тґцgglё то оvёґcомє тнї$ $їcкйє$$ cойтїйцє$. Pїту мё.. :(
Ї тоок a gооd caґє оf му$єlf ёacн aиd єvєяу $їиglє daу. Ї кйощ му lїмїт aйd Ї шои’т gо Ьёуоиd їт. Їf тнї$ ї$ оpтїойal, Ї щоцld pяєfєґ то Ьє $їcк aт му номєтошй. Bёїйg нёяє, $тїll Ї caй cой$їdєґ Ьёїиg їи $тяaйgё placё. Tнє мояє Ї fєєl lїкє gоїйg номё. Hомё$їcк! Їт’$ нaяd то cойтяоl тнє$ё тєaя$ fяом flощїиg dощи. Ї$ тнї$ a pґїcё оf ёжpёяїёиcє тнєу alщaу$ тalк aвоцт?
Ї’м тоцgн. Ї киош Ї aм. Їй тнє єaяlу daу$ Ї шa$ тґуїйg то Ьє їй dёйїal. Fґом му єжpёяїёйcё$, тнї$ lїйё оf aттacк ї$ яёallу щоґк$. Pяєтёйd тнaт Ї’м окaу aйd єvёґутнїйg щїll Ьє jц$т fїйє. Ї dои’т ґєallу киощ шнaт’$ шґойg Ьцт тнї$ тёcниїqцё шой’т щояк aт тнї$ момёит. $о тнё $тґцgglё то оvёґcомє тнї$ $їcкйє$$ cойтїйцє$. Pїту мё.. :(
Friday, March 4, 2011
Ояdїиaґу Fґїdaу
Їт’$ Fґїdaу~ Ї’м $тїll цишёll aйd тяуїиg нaґd иот то appёaя $їcк їй fяойт оf тно$є Ї мєт. Tнї$ fєvєя ї$ кїllїйg мє. Ї caи fєёl тнє jёllу моvїйg ои му тнґоaт. Уцcк! Tнї$ ї$ тнё fїя$т тїмё Ї gёт $їcк ёvёя $їиcё Ї’м нєяє aиd їт’$ Ьєєи нaґd ой мє. Ї ґaґёlу gєт їll aиd $їйcє иош му мєй$тяцal caмё, му Ьоdу ї$ щєaкєґ тнaи тнё отнєґ оґdїиaґу daу.
Jц$т иощ Ї шёйт то caйтєєй то нavє му $ёcоиd Ьяёaкfa$т. Їт’$ aи AM lциcн Ї gцё$$. $о нaґd то cоитяоl му cоцgн dцґїиg ёaт. A$ Ї aґґїvєd, отнёя cоllєagцє$ Ьц$у мaкїиg иої$є. Їт’$ Ьєcaц$є Ї шєйт то caитёєи щїтн a gцу. Їт’$ ойlу a jокє Ї киош.
Ї нavё a тїмё то cнїт cнaт щїтн нїм тоdaу. Hош caй Ї dё$cґїЬє нїм? Hё ї$ a gооd gцу щїтн a иїcё pёґ$оиalїту. Ї alщaу$ $pєйd му тїмё то тalк шїтн нїм $їйcё нё ї$ тнё vacaит pёя$ои їй нёґє aиd оцґ $єaт ї$ иєaґ то єacн отнёя. Tнёґє aяє $о мaиу тнїйg$ щє $нaґё їи оґdєя то ёйgagє оця тїмє.
Їт’$ jц$т a йоямal cоиvєя$aтїои Ї gцё$$. Aиd тнєґё’$ йо fєёlїиg циdєя шїиє вєтшєєй ц$. $омё мaу jц$т gєт мё шґоиg оґ тнєу aґё jц$т кїddїиg то gо$$їp aяоцйd. Щнaтёvєґ їт ї$, тнєґё ї$ $тїll йотнїйg gоїйg ои вётшёёи ц$. Fоґ йош~ B-)
Jц$т иощ Ї шёйт то caйтєєй то нavє му $ёcоиd Ьяёaкfa$т. Їт’$ aи AM lциcн Ї gцё$$. $о нaґd то cоитяоl му cоцgн dцґїиg ёaт. A$ Ї aґґїvєd, отнёя cоllєagцє$ Ьц$у мaкїиg иої$є. Їт’$ Ьєcaц$є Ї шєйт то caитёєи щїтн a gцу. Їт’$ ойlу a jокє Ї киош.
Ї нavё a тїмё то cнїт cнaт щїтн нїм тоdaу. Hош caй Ї dё$cґїЬє нїм? Hё ї$ a gооd gцу щїтн a иїcё pёґ$оиalїту. Ї alщaу$ $pєйd му тїмё то тalк шїтн нїм $їйcё нё ї$ тнё vacaит pёя$ои їй нёґє aиd оцґ $єaт ї$ иєaґ то єacн отнёя. Tнёґє aяє $о мaиу тнїйg$ щє $нaґё їи оґdєя то ёйgagє оця тїмє.
Їт’$ jц$т a йоямal cоиvєя$aтїои Ї gцё$$. Aиd тнєґё’$ йо fєёlїиg циdєя шїиє вєтшєєй ц$. $омё мaу jц$т gєт мё шґоиg оґ тнєу aґё jц$т кїddїиg то gо$$їp aяоцйd. Щнaтёvєґ їт ї$, тнєґё ї$ $тїll йотнїйg gоїйg ои вётшёёи ц$. Fоґ йош~ B-)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Mє? Ио щaу~ ї dой’т яєallу кйош шнaт ї$ їт вцт Ї fёёl $о cомfоятaЬlё щнєиёvёя Ї’м тalкїиg щїтн нїм. Ї caй Ьє му$ёlf aґоцйd нїм. Ї шaйтёd то lоок иїcё їй fґойт оf нїм aиd Ї яєallу lїкє їт щнёй нє cомplїмєит мє. Ї$ тнaт a $їgй тнaт Ї lїкё нїм? Maувє. Caй Ї dєиу тнї$? $ноцld Ї cой$їdёґ їт a$ cґц$н?
Jц$т иощ Ї нavё a lойg cнaт шїтн нїм. Щё тalк aЬоцт тоо мaйу тнїйg$ aиd ї caи’т cойтґоl му$ёlf fґом Ьєїиg тнё яёal мє. Laцgнїйg aиd jокїиg lїкє Ї киощ нїм fоґ qцїтє a lоиg тїмё. Їт’$ fцййу Ї gцє$$.
Hё тяєaт$ отнєя lїкє нё dїd то мё, шнїcн мєaи$ тнaт Ї’м jц$т ояdїиaґу $омёойё. Aиd Ї ноpё їт яємaїи тнaт шaу тоо. Ї’м иот a $їйglё gїяl ок. Tнaт’$ щну Ї dои’т щaит то нavё a cяц$н ои отнёґ.
Ї’м тёжтїйg шїтн му dєaя jц$т иощ aиd lї$тєйїйg то a ґомaйтїc $ойg. All aвоцт a gцу dєєplу їи lоvє aйd мї$$їйg нї$ lоvёя daми мцcн. Aиd gцё$$ щнaт? Ї мї$$ му Ьf $о мцcн. Tнёи cомє$ тнё vї$їои aЬоцт тнї$ gцу Ї мёт laтёlу. LОL.. Hєlp мє то laцgн їт оцт lоцd. Tнї$ мц$т вё кїddїиg.
Aйd мояє тнaи тшїcє Ї caцgнт му$єlf $мїlїиg щнїlє ґємємвёяїйg тнё pa$т cоиvєя$aтїои щїтн нїм. Aйd уё$ Ї aм иош $мїlїиg :) щнaтёvєґ тнї$ fєєlїйg мїgнт вє~ plёa$є gо aшaу~
Jц$т иощ Ї нavё a lойg cнaт шїтн нїм. Щё тalк aЬоцт тоо мaйу тнїйg$ aиd ї caи’т cойтґоl му$ёlf fґом Ьєїиg тнё яёal мє. Laцgнїйg aиd jокїиg lїкє Ї киощ нїм fоґ qцїтє a lоиg тїмё. Їт’$ fцййу Ї gцє$$.
Hё тяєaт$ отнєя lїкє нё dїd то мё, шнїcн мєaи$ тнaт Ї’м jц$т ояdїиaґу $омёойё. Aиd Ї ноpё їт яємaїи тнaт шaу тоо. Ї’м иот a $їйglё gїяl ок. Tнaт’$ щну Ї dои’т щaит то нavё a cяц$н ои отнёґ.
Ї’м тёжтїйg шїтн му dєaя jц$т иощ aиd lї$тєйїйg то a ґомaйтїc $ойg. All aвоцт a gцу dєєplу їи lоvє aйd мї$$їйg нї$ lоvёя daми мцcн. Aиd gцё$$ щнaт? Ї мї$$ му Ьf $о мцcн. Tнёи cомє$ тнё vї$їои aЬоцт тнї$ gцу Ї мёт laтёlу. LОL.. Hєlp мє то laцgн їт оцт lоцd. Tнї$ мц$т вё кїddїиg.
Aйd мояє тнaи тшїcє Ї caцgнт му$єlf $мїlїиg щнїlє ґємємвёяїйg тнё pa$т cоиvєя$aтїои щїтн нїм. Aйd уё$ Ї aм иош $мїlїиg :) щнaтёvєґ тнї$ fєєlїйg мїgнт вє~ plёa$є gо aшaу~
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Mу Haїґ
Hello everyone! Guess what I’ve been doing today just to keep busy. Here the hint is: K****ING
Nope! It’s not like you are thinking. There are only 4 *. I’m a good girl ok~ And a creative girl as well. Haha.. Cut the crap please~ Actually, I’m spending every moment by doing housework; cleaning, washing, cooking and I even washing car. I use it last Sunday to go to church and yeah... Since recently the weather is not good coz it keep on raining, the road is so muddy and grubby. Yet I need to wash the car frequently. Did I say frequently? Ups. In point of fact, I haven’t washed it since Sunday. Just park it outside and Walla! It’s been slight dirty all this while.
But, since tomorrow I’m going to pay all those bills and go to saloon, I guess I have to wash it and it’s done. Oh! Write crap again. There two things I got to tell. The first one is I’m actually knitting today. I’m quite good at it, trust me? Later on I will upload the pic of my DIY stuff. The second one is I’m going to have a haircut tomorrow. What? Yes! I’m going to trim it and make it short. Pity my hair. Hurm. But I really have to do it.
Having a long hair is not as simple as knitting. Kinda bad comparison, isn’t it? :p Whatever~ Back to topic:We need extra attention to our crown. It’s not that I want to get rid of doing all necessary things to my hair, it just that I want to make it spick and span. I really love my hair and I do anything to keep it healthy. I got all the stuff needed to take care of my hair: Shampoo, conditioner, treatment, hair mask, serum and i guess that just it. Hehe. Not so many... My choice is L’Oreal, D'uvena, Pantene, Sunsilk and Rejoice. I ever curl this hair before, rebond it for several times and coloured it.
This is my hair now. It’s long and straight. When I’m nude it will cover my tit. Kidding! : p
Here is the view from backside. It’s not too dark but I love it.
And this is my pony tail. Did you notice the two letters in my B-W hairclip? “IS” this is custom made. Of course the two letters means a lot to me.
Tada! L’Oreal. Left: Leave-in hair mask. Right: Serum. I brought it from Guardian for sure! And at my chest that is my gold necklace with a P letter. But I rarely wear it.
So, do I make you wonder why do I have to cut my hair? My pleasure to tell you why. Foremost, it may be too little too hard to manage. I seldom comb my hair but frequently use my finger to make it orderly. It becomes my habit to do so even if my hair is wet. Hoh! It is too long and easily tangles. Secondly, it is better if I cut it short a bit in order to enhance the grow. It’s all for my own convenient. So, tomorrow I’m going to saloon. Wish me luck everybody. May I get a better hair. Amen.
Kinda sleepy. *yawn* till then~ Sorry if there is some error k. I will edit it later. Muah!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Rо$aґу оf LїЬёяaтїой
“The Rosary of Liberation is not a magic formula but a proclamation of faith in the Word of God. And accepting in faith this Word, we can move the hand of God in our favour.”
We are recommended to recite the Rosary of Liberation for experiencing deliverance from various bondages like sin, satanic powers, bad habits, financial crisis, family problems etc. It is said in the Bible " She will bear a Son, and you shall call his name JESUS, for He will SAVE His people from their sins".( Matthew 1:21)
Jesus is the Saviour. Therefore the name Jesus is not a noun form alone, it is also a verb denoting an action which means when you utter the name JESUS you are proclaiming and praying "God save me and all others from our sins".
The Rosary of Liberation is based on the Word of God and should be prayed with faith for the glory of the powerful name of Jesus Christ and to seek healing, salvation and liberation. It is prayed on Rosary beads and begins with the Apostles Creed. On the place of the Our Father on the large beads, we will say a prayer based on John 8:36:
“If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed” such as “If Jesus makes me free, I will be free indeed”
In place of the Hail Mary repeat:“Jesus, have mercy on me! Jesus, heal me! Jesus, save me! Jesus, free me!”
It ends with the Hail, Holy Queen.
It is recommend that the rosary be prayed first for oneself, “that we may be purified in the Blood of Jesus” before praying it for others. It should be said for only one intention at a time, such as conversion, marriage, family, health, work, friends, etc.
The purpose of the rosary is to lead one, in faith, to accept the work of salvation which was fully realized in Jesus on Calvary, because in our spiritual life, all is obtained through faith in Jesus and in the power of His Word and His redeeming Blood.
When we recite the Rosary of liberation, claim the promise of Jesus as we see in the Bible.
Jesus is the Saviour (Matthew 1:21)
Jesus is the Healer (Mark 1: 32-34)
He is the Liberator (John 8:36)
Jesus is the God of Mercy (Luke 18:38)
Jesus said "Ask and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you". (Matthew 7:7)
I claim this promise and say………..
So, it is simplified as follow:-
1.Recite the Apostle's Creed at the Triangle of the Rosary
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the death. On the third day He rose again. He ascended into Heaven and seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
2. Recite the following in place of the Hail Mary
Jesus have mercy on me
Jesus heal me
Jesus save me
Jesus free me
3. Recite the following in place of the Our Father
If Jesus makes me free
I will be free indeed
4. Recite the Hail Holy Queen
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy. Hail, our life, ouRosary of Liberationr sweetness, and our hope. To you do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To you do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn, then most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us and after this, our exile show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
If you are praying for a special person replace "me" in the prayer with the name of the "person you are praying for".
After praying the Rosary of Liberation completely give thanks to Jesus for the Blessings that He is pouring over you and for those for whom you are interceding.
Before interceding for anybody you have to pray for yourself.
FYI, I only compile this from the sources in web. I do have the original copy but in BM. It's my pleasure to memorize the English version as well. I recite the original rosary prayer daily but this one is simpler. If you interested, good luck in trying~ :) God Bless You All..
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Yellow! Blessed Sunday everyone! It’s me again. This time I’m going to write a simple review regarding my favourite music-HILLSONG UNITED. If we surf the web to know more, we will find this Australian praise and worship band is originated as a part of Hillsong Church. The band tours the world, performing at the various Hillsong Church locations as well as general concert venues. They compose the songs for their own performances and for the other Hillsong Church worship teams that perform at weekly services.
Music, the name itself is lyrical. This Band is our all time favourite hymn-My sisters and mine too. Anna downloaded their songs more frequent than me and Vivie convert it all to mp3 version (then we got it on our mp3 n HP). Since we have this interest in common, it’s much easier to get along to collect their songs, listen to it, feel the passion and of course we memorize the lyrics too. Listening to every songs and get the pleasure from the powerful lyric is comparable to prayer actually. Every sentence is to praise the almighty God. For your info, this band has tons of albums and plenty of superior songs. Now, I’m waiting for the brand new one album-Aftermath. You may check out this link to know more about their previous albums. http://www.allthelyrics.com/lyrics/hillsong/
Isn't he cute? Marty Sampson-One of the singer of this band~ <3 it!
Whenever I feel uneasy, this is the best remedy to turn to and it works so well. Closing my eyes and listen to this great bidder makes me truly calm. At the time I feel like I’m out-lying and drowned by sin, this is the initiator for me to come all the way back to where I supposed to be for real. This is an enormous treatment to heal you soul immediately. Believe me and trust yourself. It just like a prayer where we don’t necessary have word but let the creator talk to us. Provide a time to listen and have faith that Lord will talk to you. All we got to do is pin our ears back and give a moment of silent in prayer.
As for reflection, you need to plump for a perfect song to listen to I think. Here is some suggestion for you. All these are my favourite. Unlike the song you hear in church. Much better I guess. Just like what I’ve written on previous blog entry. So, enjoy this~ God bless you all.....
From The Inside Out
A thousand times I've failed
Still your mercy remains
Should I stumble again
Still I'm caught in your grace
Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame
My heart and my soul, I give You control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise, become my embrace
To love You from the inside out
Your will above all else, my purpose remains
The art of losing myself in bringing you praise
Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame
My heart, my soul, Lord I give you control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise become my embrace
To love You from the inside out
Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart is to bring You praise
From the inside out, O my soul cries out
My Soul cries out to You
My Soul cries out to You to You, to You
In my heart, in my soul, Lord I give you control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise become my embrace
To love You from the inside out
Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart is to bring You praise
From the inside out, O my soul cries out
Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart is to bring You praise
From the inside out, O my soul cries out 3x
Tear Down The Walls
Tear down the walls see the world
Is there something we have missed
Turn from ourselves
Look beyond
There is so much more than this
And I don’t need to see it to believe it
I don’t need to see it to believe it
Cause I can’t shake this
Fire deep inside my heart
Look to the skies hope arise
See His majesty revealed
More than this life there is love
There is hope and this is real
Cause I don’t need to see it to believe it
I don’t need to see it to believe it
Cause I can’t shake this fire burning
Deep inside my heart
This life is Yours and hope is rising
As Your glory floods our hearts
Let love tear down these walls
That all creation would
Come back to You
It’s all for You
Your Name is glorious, glorious
Your love is changing us, calling us
To worship in spirit and in truth
As all creation returns to You
Oh for all the sons and daughters
Who are walking in the darkness
You are calling us to lead them back to You
We will see Your spirit rising
As the lost come out of hiding
Every heart will see this hope we have in You
Cause I don’t need to see it to believe it
I don’t need to see it to believe it
Cause I can’t shake this fire burning
Deep inside my heart
This life is Yours and hope is rising
As Your glory floods our hearts
Let love tear down these walls
That all creation would
Come back to You
It’s all for You
Your Name is glorious, glorious
Your love is changing us, calling us
To worship in spirit and in truth
As all creation returns to You (x2)
Tear down the walls see the world
Is there something we have missed
Turn from ourselves
Look beyond
There is so much more than this
And I don’t need to see it to believe it
I don’t need to see it to believe it
Cause I can’t shake this
Fire deep inside my heart
Look to the skies hope arise
See His majesty revealed
More than this life there is love
There is hope and this is real
Cause I don’t need to see it to believe it
I don’t need to see it to believe it
Cause I can’t shake this fire burning
Deep inside my heart
This life is Yours and hope is rising
As Your glory floods our hearts
Let love tear down these walls
That all creation would
Come back to You
It’s all for You
Your Name is glorious, glorious
Your love is changing us, calling us
To worship in spirit and in truth
As all creation returns to You
Oh for all the sons and daughters
Who are walking in the darkness
You are calling us to lead them back to You
We will see Your spirit rising
As the lost come out of hiding
Every heart will see this hope we have in You
Cause I don’t need to see it to believe it
I don’t need to see it to believe it
Cause I can’t shake this fire burning
Deep inside my heart
This life is Yours and hope is rising
As Your glory floods our hearts
Let love tear down these walls
That all creation would
Come back to You
It’s all for You
Your Name is glorious, glorious
Your love is changing us, calling us
To worship in spirit and in truth
As all creation returns to You (x2)
You Hold Me Now Lyrics
On that day when I see
All that You have for me
When I see You face to face
There surrounded by Your grace
All my fears swept away
In the light of Your embrace
Where Your love is all I need
And forever I am free
Where the streets are made of gold
In Your presence healed and whole
Let the songs of heaven
Rise to You alone
No weeping no hurt or pain
No suffering You hold me now
You hold me now
No darkness no sick or lame
No hiding You hold me now
You hold me now
In this life I will stand
Through my joy and my pain
Knowing there's a greater day
There's a hope that never fails
Where Your Name is lifted high
And forever praises rise
For the glory of Your Name
I'm believing for the day
Where the wars and violence cease
All creation lives in peace
Let the songs of heaven
Rise to You alone
For eternity
All my heart will give
All the glory to Your Name
Saviour of my soul
I worship You as God alone
Greater love has made a way to You
I could not forget
The moment I in faith confessed
For my sin You died and rose again
I believe every word You say
Father God with all my heart I sing
Open my eyes
I want to see Your glory Your glory Lord
I open my heart
I want to be closer closer to You
Here I am again
I find my strength in drawing near
You have heard the desperate cry in me
And as I wait on You my God
I’ll know the voice of truth
In quietness I am in awe
And as I worship You my Lord
I understand the cross
The sacrifice of God
I worship You as God alone
Greater love has made a way to You
I could not forget
The moment I in faith confessed
For my sin You died and rose again
I believe every word You say
Father God with all my heart I sing
Open my eyes
I want to see Your glory Your glory Lord
I open my heart
I want to be closer closer to You
Here I am again
I find my strength in drawing near
You have heard the desperate cry in me
And as I wait on You my God
I’ll know the voice of truth
In quietness I am in awe
And as I worship You my Lord
I understand the cross
The sacrifice of God
To Know Your Name
The precious blood of Jesus Christ redeems,
Forgiven I'm alive, restored set free.
Your Majesty resides inside of me,
Forever I believe, forever I believe.
Arrested by your truth and righteousness,
Your grace has overwhelmed my brokenness.
Convicted by your spirit, led by your word,
Your love will never fail, your love will never fail.
To know you gave the world
Your only son for us
To know your name
To live within the saviors love
And He took my place
Knowing He'd be crucified
And You loved, You loved
For people undeserving!
Forgiven I'm alive, restored set free.
Your Majesty resides inside of me,
Forever I believe, forever I believe.
Arrested by your truth and righteousness,
Your grace has overwhelmed my brokenness.
Convicted by your spirit, led by your word,
Your love will never fail, your love will never fail.
To know you gave the world
Your only son for us
To know your name
To live within the saviors love
And He took my place
Knowing He'd be crucified
And You loved, You loved
For people undeserving!
Sorry guys, I didn’t insert the link to assist you. So if you haven’t heard this before but interested in hearing this songs, just type the title in www.youtube.com. Till my finger meet the keyboard~ :p :p
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Lєт тнє aїlїиg $їdє оf мє dо тнє тalк~
$омётїмє$ Ї fєєl lїкё Ї’м тоо faя aшaу fяом уоц. Ї $єaґcн fоґ уоцґ pяё$єйcє Ьцт $тїll Ї faїlєd. Ї’м gцїlту fоґ нavїиg тоо мцcн тноцgнт щнїlє му мїйd ї$ шїld мaкїиg їт вad їй$їgнт. Їт вёcомё$ a мї$dєєd щнєи Ї lєт їт оцт. $ноцld Ї кёёp їт нц$н?
$омётїмє$ Ї dой’т fёєl lїкё Ї Ьєlоиg їй уоця ноц$є оf Gоd. Gоїиg то cнцґcн ёvєґу $їйglё шєєк Ьцт fоя a момєит оґ тщо Ї jц$т caи’т fоllощ тнє мa$$ вёуойd dоцЬт. Lёт мє оff Lоґd fоя нavїиg $цcн fєєlїйg.
$омєтїмё$ Ї gёт paґaйоїd оf тнё fоlк$ тнєяё. Tнєу aяё lёadїиg тнє cнцяcн Ьєcaц$ё тнёу jц$т щaит тнє pошєґ то вє їи cнaґgё. Їт $ноцld вє a pцяё placё то pґaу Ьцт Ї fёёl їт jц$т a $нaм $омєтїмё$. Ёacн щёёк тнёу cоиdцcтёd тнё мa$$ мёdїоcґїту. Cноїя ї$ qцїтё lоц$у шїтн тнє $aмё $ойg$ ёvєя. Tнєу ґaяєlу cнaйgё тнё $оиg$ вцт $тїll тнєу dои’т $їйg їт щёll.
Hцмaй ї$ иот pёґfёcт, Ї тяцlу adмїт. Bцт, шну тнєу dой’т $тґцgglє то вё? Щнєй їт cомё$ то тнї$ мaттєґ Ї тнїйк щє иёёd то cомpґомї$ё. Їт $ноцld Ьє Ьёттёґ їf тнёу lёaґи то lї$тёй aйd тaкё cґїтїcї$м то їмpяоvё.
Hцмвlу Ї cойfё$$ то уоц lоґd, Ї нaтё тнї$ fёёlїйg aйd Ї ґёallу щaйт то єґa$є їт. Ї ґёallу fоиd то jоїи aйу acтїvїту вцт Ї fёєl тнёу cоиdцcтёd їт jц$т fоя вaмвооzlё. Tїмє мaиagємєит ї$ мї$єґaвlє. Tнёу єvёи allощ daтїиg cоцplє то тaкє advaитagє то flїґт aґоцйd.
Ї $єёк fоґ уоцґ clёмєйcу dёaґ Lоґd. $о Ї оffєя тнё Pяaуєя fоя Mїиd Clёaй$їйg & Claґїту.
Hёavєиlу Faтнєя, Ї cомё то Уоц йош їи тнє Иaмё оf му Lояd aйd $avїоя Cняї$т Jє$ц$. Lояd Jё$ц$ Cнґї$т Ї a$к уоц то щa$н оvёґ му мїйd шїтн тнє Blооd оf Jё$ц$ aиd clєaй$є оцт all тноцgнт$ тнaт aґё cойтґaґу то Уоця шїll aйd dё$тїйу fоя му lїfє. Ї a$к Уоц Lояd Jє$ц$ то $нцт aйу dооя$ тнaт иёёd то Ьє $нцт шнётнёґ $pїяїтцal оя иaтцяal, aиd то оpєи aйу dооґ$ тнaт йёёd то вё оpєйєd щнєтнєя $pїґїтцal оя йaтцяal їй му lїfє. Hёavёиlу Faтнєґ, Ї a$к уоц то gїvє мє aйd єacн pєя$ои Ї нavє pґaуєd fоя тоdaу claґїту оf vї$їой, claґїту оf тноцgнт, claяїту оf кйощїйg, aиd нєaяїиg Уоця Vоїcє. Aмєи!
$омётїмє$ Ї fєєl lїкё Ї’м тоо faя aшaу fяом уоц. Ї $єaґcн fоґ уоцґ pяё$єйcє Ьцт $тїll Ї faїlєd. Ї’м gцїlту fоґ нavїиg тоо мцcн тноцgнт щнїlє му мїйd ї$ шїld мaкїиg їт вad їй$їgнт. Їт вёcомё$ a мї$dєєd щнєи Ї lєт їт оцт. $ноцld Ї кёёp їт нц$н?
$омётїмє$ Ї dой’т fёєl lїкё Ї Ьєlоиg їй уоця ноц$є оf Gоd. Gоїиg то cнцґcн ёvєґу $їйglё шєєк Ьцт fоя a момєит оґ тщо Ї jц$т caи’т fоllощ тнє мa$$ вёуойd dоцЬт. Lёт мє оff Lоґd fоя нavїиg $цcн fєєlїйg.
$омєтїмё$ Ї gёт paґaйоїd оf тнё fоlк$ тнєяё. Tнєу aяё lёadїиg тнє cнцяcн Ьєcaц$ё тнёу jц$т щaит тнє pошєґ то вє їи cнaґgё. Їт $ноцld вє a pцяё placё то pґaу Ьцт Ї fёёl їт jц$т a $нaм $омєтїмё$. Ёacн щёёк тнёу cоиdцcтёd тнё мa$$ мёdїоcґїту. Cноїя ї$ qцїтё lоц$у шїтн тнє $aмё $ойg$ ёvєя. Tнєу ґaяєlу cнaйgё тнё $оиg$ вцт $тїll тнєу dои’т $їйg їт щёll.
Hцмaй ї$ иот pёґfёcт, Ї тяцlу adмїт. Bцт, шну тнєу dой’т $тґцgglє то вё? Щнєй їт cомё$ то тнї$ мaттєґ Ї тнїйк щє иёёd то cомpґомї$ё. Їт $ноцld Ьє Ьёттёґ їf тнёу lёaґи то lї$тёй aйd тaкё cґїтїcї$м то їмpяоvё.
Hцмвlу Ї cойfё$$ то уоц lоґd, Ї нaтё тнї$ fёёlїйg aйd Ї ґёallу щaйт то єґa$є їт. Ї ґёallу fоиd то jоїи aйу acтїvїту вцт Ї fёєl тнёу cоиdцcтёd їт jц$т fоя вaмвооzlё. Tїмє мaиagємєит ї$ мї$єґaвlє. Tнёу єvёи allощ daтїиg cоцplє то тaкє advaитagє то flїґт aґоцйd.
Ї $єёк fоґ уоцґ clёмєйcу dёaґ Lоґd. $о Ї оffєя тнё Pяaуєя fоя Mїиd Clёaй$їйg & Claґїту.
Hёavєиlу Faтнєя, Ї cомё то Уоц йош їи тнє Иaмё оf му Lояd aйd $avїоя Cняї$т Jє$ц$. Lояd Jё$ц$ Cнґї$т Ї a$к уоц то щa$н оvёґ му мїйd шїтн тнє Blооd оf Jё$ц$ aиd clєaй$є оцт all тноцgнт$ тнaт aґё cойтґaґу то Уоця шїll aйd dё$тїйу fоя му lїfє. Ї a$к Уоц Lояd Jє$ц$ то $нцт aйу dооя$ тнaт иёёd то Ьє $нцт шнётнёґ $pїяїтцal оя иaтцяal, aиd то оpєи aйу dооґ$ тнaт йёёd то вё оpєйєd щнєтнєя $pїґїтцal оя йaтцяal їй му lїfє. Hёavёиlу Faтнєґ, Ї a$к уоц то gїvє мє aйd єacн pєя$ои Ї нavє pґaуєd fоя тоdaу claґїту оf vї$їой, claґїту оf тноцgнт, claяїту оf кйощїйg, aиd нєaяїиg Уоця Vоїcє. Aмєи!
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